Jean Guilaine

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Name : Jean Guilaine

Date of birth December 24, 1936 (Carcassonne, Aude)

Short biography:

  • Publication of his first book “La Civilisation du vase campaniforme dans les Pyrénées françaises”. (1967)
  • Director of studies at the CNRS (1973-1978)
  • Director of the EHESS (1978)
  • Founder of the Center for the Anthropology of Rural Societies (1978)
  • Grand Prix of Archaeology of the Ministry of Culture (1985)
  • Director of the journal Gallia-Préhistoire (1986-1994)
  • Professor at the Collège de France, holder of the Chair of “Civilizations of Europe in the Neolithic and Bronze Age”. (1994-2007)
  • Scientific co-direction of the film “Le sacre de l’Homme” (2007)
  • Elected to the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres (2011)

Insert – Jean Guilaine and Prehistory

Author of a thesis on the Bronze Age, Jean Guilaine is today a French archaeologist specialized in recent prehistory and the Bronze Age.

He is known for defending the following conviction: the Neolithic is a pivotal period in the history of humanity. He is also convinced of the importance of multidisciplinary research. This is why he founded, with Daniel Fabre, the Centre d’Anthropologie des Sociétés Rurales of the EHESS and the CNRS (which later became the Centre d’Anthropologie). This center brought together archaeologists, ethnologists, cultural anthropologists, anthropo-biologists and geneticists.

A man of the field, he teaches in several establishments. He is also the author of several scientific articles and books but also of popularization.

Indicative bibliography for Jean Guilaine

  • [1967] La civilisation du vase campaniforme dans les Pyrénées françaises, Carcassonne, ed. Gabelle, 1967, 240 p..
  • [1976] Jean Guilaine (ed.), La Préhistoire française, t. 2 (1 vol.): Les civilisations néolithiques et protohistoriques de la France (published on the occasion of the IXthCongrèsUISPP (Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques), Nice, 1976. t. 1: Civilisations paléolithiques et mésolithiques de la France (dir. Henry de Lumley, pref. Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, 2 vols.); t. 2: Civilisations néolithiques et protohistoriques de la France (dir. Jean Guilaine, 1 vol.)), Éditions du CNRS, 1976, 912 p.(ISBN 978-2-222-01969-5).
  • [1980] The France of before France. From the Neolithic to the Iron AgeParis, Hachette, 1980 (repr. 1985, Hachette, pocket edition, coll. “Pluriel”, 350 p.), 296 p..
  • [1989] La Préhistoire d’un continent à l’autre, Larousse, 1989, 288 p.(ISBN 2037400012 and 9782037400015).
  • [1994] La mer partagée. La Méditerranée avant l’écriture : 7000-2000 avant J.-C., Paris, Hachette, 1994 (repr. 2005 : Hachette, édition poche, coll. ” Pluriel “, 910 p.), 454 p.(online presentation[archive]).
  • [Guilaine & Zammit 2001] Jean Guilaine and Jean Zammit, The warpath. Faces of prehistoric violenceParis, Le Seuil, coll. ” Le Grand Livre du Mois[archive]”, 2001, 380 p.(abstract[archive], online presentation[archive]). Spanish edition: Ariel, Barcelona, 2002; English/American/Australian edition: Blackwell, 2005.
  • [2002] Matériaux, production et circulation du Néolithique à l’âge du bronze, Paris, éd. Errance, 2002, 245 p.(ISBN 2-87772-232-5, online presentation[archive]).
  • [2003] From the wave to the grave. The Neolithic conquest of the Mediterranean (8000-2000 BC)Paris, Le Seuil, 2003, 380 p.(online presentation[archive]).
  • [2015] The Second Birth of Man. The Neolithic, Paris, ed. Odile Jacob, 2015, 200 p.(online presentation[archive]).
  • [Guilaine & Alibert 2016] Jean Guilaine and Ch. Alibert, Paul Tournal , founder of Prehistory, Paris, ed. Odile Jacob, coll. “OJ. Préhistoire Archéologie “, 2016, 314 p.(ISBN 978-2738134288, online presentation[archive]).

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