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The Paranthropes

Paranthropus, sometimes called robust Australopithecus, comprises three species: Paranthropus aethiopicus, Paranthropus boisei and Paranthropus robustus. Their period of existence ranges from 2.98-2.87 to 1.3 million years.

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Prehistoric dating methods

Ever since the emergence of prehistoric archaeology as a discipline, the question of dating artefacts and sites has arisen. Indeed, dating, whether absolute or relative, is absolutely essential in order to interpret data from the object discovered.

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Archaeozoology & subsistence

Pleistocene Megafauna

In this article, we’re going to take a look at animals that have now disappeared, and which are often grouped together under the rather broad term “Pleistocene Megafauna”.

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In this article, we offer an introduction to Australopithecines, for which you’ve probably already heard of the famous Lucy, an Australopithecus afarensis.

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The species does not exist

In this article, we discuss the question “What is a species?”. It’s a concept you’ve probably already heard of, and you’ll probably have no trouble identifying a few species, even if their Latin names escape you. However, what seems simple at first glance is in fact not so simple at all, especially when you look at it from a paleoanthropological perspective. But remember one thing: species don’t exist, but the notion of species does.

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industrie lithique
Lithic industries & chronocultures

The Lomekwien

In this article, we invite you to discover the oldest lithic industry known today, the Lomekwien.

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The origins of the human line

Who were the first representatives of the human lineage? This issue is far from resolved. Three groups of fossils are vying for the coveted position of oldest known Hominin: Sahelanthropus tchadensis, better known as Toumaï, Orrorin tugenensis and Ardipithecus.

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Our species, Homo sapiens, is the only primate to have a highly specialized mode of locomotion: bipedalism.

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Locomotion in primates

In this article, we propose to familiarize you with the different modes of locomotion in primates and what they imply in terms of locomotor adaptations. This is an essential subject if you want to understand the debates surrounding the evolution of Hominins, particularly those concerning bipedalism.

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We’re primates! Do you know the characteristics of the order to which we belong? It’s important to understand what a primate is, as well as the classification of this order, in order to better understand the debates animating the scientific community. Did you know, for example, that some primates are not monkeys?

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Le Cénozoïque

The Cenozoic

The Cenozoic is the most recent geological era we are currently living in, and it also includes prehistory!

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