All our articles, videos and podcasts are created using the same methodology: in-depth bibliographical research, initial writing by one of us, one or more proofreadings and, finally, the creation of the visuals. We systematically cite our bibliography at the end of each content item, and if you’d like to delve deeper into a subject, we can suggest further reading. We strive to collaborate as much as possible with expert researchers in the various fields we cover, in order to keep abreast of the latest scientific advances.

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Who are we?


“After more than 10 years in the field of operational management, training and communication, I decided to return to my first love: biological anthropology. During my studies at the University of Toulouse Jean-Jaurès, where I completed a double degree in anthropology/ethnology and in art history and archaeology, I had the pleasure of rediscovering Prehistory with a new perspective. It was a real revelation. It became clear to me that I wanted to spend the rest of my life studying this period. So I decided to enroll in a Master’s degree in the “Quaternary, Prehistory & Bioarchaeology” specialization at the National Museum of Natural History in Paris.  It is there that I met Mathilde with whom I launched  a new adventure, Prehistory Travel.”

Alexia ANGELI - Préhistoire

“We sincerely hope to be able to transmit our passion to you so that you in turn have the opportunity to touch this so long and so mysterious period but nevertheless fundamental in the understanding of what we are. We look forward to meeting you on the web or in real life to chat about some prehistoric facts.”